laga mat recept: How to Make Delicious Saute trout/ baby spinach and baby Bella mushrooms

Saute trout/ baby spinach and baby Bella mushrooms.

recept Saute trout/ baby spinach and baby Bella mushrooms laga mat recept - cook Saute trout/ baby spinach and baby Bella mushrooms using 2 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Saute trout/ baby spinach and baby Bella mushrooms

  1. You need of Fresh fillet Trout.
  2. It's of Baby spinach and baby Bella mushrooms with baby kale.

Saute trout/ baby spinach and baby Bella mushrooms step by step

  1. Cook trout in olive oil until golden.
  2. Saute kale and spinach mixed with baby Bella mushrooms.

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